
Tom Brown

Thomas L. Brown Thomas L. Brown, Ph.D., is a veteran writer and editor with over 30 years of experience. He now writes about the critical intersections in life, such as self and society.

Tom became known via his 400+ published columns and articles. Editor-at-Large for IndustryWeek and Contributing Editor for The Conference Board’s Across The Board, Tom has also written for The Drucker Foundation’s Leader-to-Leader, Harvard’s Management Update, the Financial Times, and The Wall Street Journal. He hosted CRM’s Leading With An Edge video series and was a founding columnist for Public Radio’s Marketplace. He has consulted to dozens of Fortune 500 companies.

He was an early adopter of ebooks as he saw them as the future of publishing. In his four ebooks, Tom moved away from the traditional manner of journal writing and experimented with new formats and genres.

His insights on the need for a new model for 21st-century leadership were the inspiration for The Anatomy Of Fire: Sparking A New Spirit Of Enterprise (Foreword by Jim Collins).

To stimulate vigorous dialogue in organizations, Tom retold classic fairy tales to reflect on modern society. His Fiscal Fairy Tales have been published in multiple languages.

In STRETCH! 21 Events That Will Rock The Next Century, Tom projected headlines throughout the 21st century, thereby providing challenges to tomorrow’s leaders.

He wrote a trio of 10-minute plays, Labor Saving Devices, to offer alternative perspectives on today’s work world.

Tom served as editor of The Nextsensing Project, based in Madrid, Spain. Today, he is sharing his views via a new series of writings on Medium.com. §

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